Monday 25 June 2012

Updated PDF

Just completed the pages that print to PDF. The earlier version was a mash up and I decided that If I re-coded it I could eventually put  different printing options including a choice of font and maybe even the colours.,

The table lists are now in a tabular format and could easily be cut out and made into one of those fancy charts that are placed on an easel type thing on the entrance to the wedding reception room..
Free wedding seating plan

Saturday 16 June 2012

Wedding Seating Planner - Free

After spending several years designing websites for the wedding industry and planning my own wedding. I looked at one of the biggest and most frustrating aspects of planning a wedding -  The Seating Plan.

I registered a domain name in 2006 with the intention of creating a drag and drop seating planner that was browser based. Anyway six years later I have just launched the site
It hasn't taken me six years of coding to implement the site in those six years there may have been 300hrs of coding time.
Since 2006 the internet as evolved and new technologies such as ajax and jquery have proven to make the design of seating planner much better.

I have also used a great PHP MVC platform CakePHP on which to build the application.

I now need some nice people out there to try it and provide me with some feedback.

If anyone is getting married and wants to try the for free drop me an email - just let me know your email address and I will set up a Free Account to try the planner.